Vienna Philharmonics 1/4 oz – Gold bullion coin


The Vienna Philharmonics bullion coin is referred to as the most beautiful bullion coin; considered a masterpiece of numismatic art. The coin is named after one of the world’s most renowned orchestras.

Metal: Au 999,9
Dimension: 22,00 mm
Manufacturer: Münze Österreich
Weight: 1/4 oz
Face value: 25 Euro


It is eagerly purchased because of the value of the bullion itself, but is also valued by numismatists – collectors. The Vienna Philharmonic gold coins are minted from fine gold, 999.9, and the first coin was issued in 1989. Until the end of 2001, they were denominated in Austrian shillings. Since January 1, 2002, the gold coins have been denominated in euros. It is the only European gold bullion coin denominated in euros.

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